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Why become a member?

Frontpage community.pngHere in the sCoolEDU Support Community, all of our content is free to access. We strongly believe in sharing knowledge and expertise. However, if you want to take your participation in the learning community a step further, you can become a full member of the community.

This will give you a large advantage, allowing you to co-create knowledge and content with us. You can now do more than just reading along and replying: you can add wiki items to i.e. Safe & Net, create forum topics, share your best practices on the blog and join a designated Learning Lab

Icons community-01.pngSharing Best Practices
Have you tried out a new Media Literacy initiative? Or are your pupils naturals with powerpoint? Do you support your lessons with digital tools and interactivity? Lets us know and show us how you did it. This way, everyone can learn from it. 

Icons community-02.pngSharing Ideas:
All educators, parents and children have ideas. Often great ones. But these ideas will not flourish if they stay in the mind of one person. That's why we ask you all to share your ideas with each other and brainstorm together towards innovation. Chances are, you will find likeminded souls to make your idea become reality.

Icons community-03.pngAsking Questions:
Looking for tips on how to use digital means in your lessons? Or are you wondering if there are teachers from your local area interested in grouping up? There are no bad or wrong questions in this section. Remember: answering questions is a strong learning experience. So by helping others, you're also helping yourself.

But of course we don't stop there. You are most welcome to interact, co-create and comment throughout the entire sCoolEDU Support Community, such as in the Tutorials section or in the Safe & Net Wiki's.

Frontpage Veilig.pngFrontpage lesmateriaal.pngFrontpage Handleiding.png

By helping us improve our content and creating new items, you can earn points and badges, becoming a true sCool-Star. Learning becomes a fun game and before you know it, you'll be on top of the rankings.

Points and Badges

You can easily earn points in the sCoolEDU Support Community and it's super fun as well. All you have to do is participate: ask and answers questions on the forum; bring new ideas and join the discussion on them; show us best practices; comment on all items submitted by your peers; and so on. 

Another big win for your points is helping us co-create our Wikis, such as the Social Media & Apps library or our ICT is Cool section. Start new topics on tools you like to use, help refine and improve existing topics and comment on the content provided by us and your peers. Together we can make this learning community the best there is. 

Of course you will also want to put those points to good use. When you reach a certain level, let's say 500 points, you will get a cool badge and achievement on your profile, showing everyone what a great contributor you are. But that's not all. You can even claim a cool reward for yourself or your school. 

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How to join

Joining sCool is easier than you think. Click on the 'Join now' button and fill in the short registration form. Soon, your membership will be activated and one of our community managers will reach out to you to help you get started.


When these short steps have been completed, you can jump right into the Support Community with your own account. By the way, don't forget to complete your profile and choose a safe password.

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