Last Updated:
February 2, 2017
Karen Mouws
| Version: 4
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The modern educational system puts the child in its center, providing ample attention to his or her interests and identity. Teachers look for similarities between the curriculum and lessons on the one hand; and the pupils' life experiences on the other.
One way to achieve this is by making space for and paying attention to the individual Talents that are inherent to every child. That way, children will feel recognised in their identities, receive acknowledgement for their unique personalities and experience an increased well being; both in school as in the socially connected world on sCool and social media.
At the start of every new school year, Talents can become a perfect conversation starter to get to know each other better. It's quite an interesting experience for pupils to discover what their peers are passionate about. You can continue with a class discussion, but of course that should not be the end of the story.
Talents grow over time; and therefore should not be only addressed in a single themed week in the year.
The Learning Guide proposes how pupils can be supported to discover, develop and deepen their own Talents, over the course of their primary school career. Pupils from year 1 and 2 will try to find their own Talents, while year 3 and 4 will look beyond to assess each others' Talents. In year 5 and 6 they will deepen their Talents and see how they've grown as a person.
The guide also includes exercises to use in the classroom, based on the sCool methodology and practice platform. Pupils will socially learn how to share their experiences and Talents with each other through TalentBlogs, how to provide feedback and use the profile to find like minded peers.
The guide consists of four parts, of which there are the Pedagogical Core and the three separate practice bundles for every stage of primary education.
Children will learn to identify their own and each others' Talents through identifications with the different Super Heroes from Planet Talent. Use the matching set of cards to introduce the different Talents. The Practice Bundles will provide you with more tips for your pupils, tailored to their age and experiences.
Learn more about the different Talents and how to use our method for Talent development in the Pedagogical Core of this Learning Guide.
You can find tips on how to use the methodology in your classroom in the different Practice Bundles by age group.
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