Last Updated:
October 12, 2016
Shreya Mehta
| Version: 2
| 1 follower
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Badges and buttons are fun to collect and to share. You can not only eraan the sCool-badges in school; you can earn digital badges too! Try to collect as many as possible!
How to earn them is explained in the manual below.
Badges are earned by doing cool things on sCool. There are tons of ways to earn one!
You can earn a badge for publishing a fantastic article in the sCoolPaper, or by making a really interesting Prezi, or by writing a great book report and posting it in the BookWiki, etc. We'll make a quick list of the different badges that can be earned and how you can use those badges. Your school surely has it's own rules on gearing badges, so consult them if needed.
The general sCool-badge is earned when someone really becomes a member of sCool. That means that your profile should be completed; you have a decent profile picture and that your password is unbreakable!
The Safety & Net badge is the badge you want to collect the most. You can earn them by making cool ICT and multimedia projects or by learning how to program, but also by handing in a well written Media Literacy project. Technically for everything that has to do with Media Literacy and ICT. You can, for example, make a wonderfull Prezi to support you book report, then your teacher could hand you a badge. You can add the badge on your profile straight away!
This cool Sherrif-badge can be given to you when your job as "Child of the Week" was done correctly. Did you assist the teacher on sCool and did you keep your eyes open in the media? Was your Media Literacy project approved? Super!
Did you have something interesting to share on the Wall? Then you get a Calender-badge, given to you by your school. You can, for example, help adding all of the cultural and national holidays of your country of culture in the schoolcalender, with a little explanation on what it is and a photo.
Come up with cool idea's in the Studen Counsil or post them in the Ideabin. If this idea gets chosen by your school, you could earn a Forum-badge. This way, you can help the other students, by making school more fun!
A splendid sCoolPaper reporter deserves a sCoolpaper-badge. So work hard and make your report a masterpiece. Get started with a documentary, an interview or a photo report. Also the editorial office can earn this badge.
With an Art'sCool-badge, you can reward each other for making creative and pretty (art)works. You can paint, draw, model, but you don't have to limit yourself to these options. You can also make a digital multimedia artwork. Show you talents to your fellow classmates.
Did you write an amazing book report and did you get a lot of start or likes in the Bookwiki? Maybe you added a fun presentation or you made a movie about the book? Then you surely deserve a BookWiki-badge.
The wiki-badge is earned by... - you can probably guess it- writing a great wiki-article. Work with your teachers to collect information and who knows, maybe your teacher might reward you with a badge!
Do you want to take a look at the badges you've collected so far? That's easy! There is a list on your profile.
Go to your profilepage (look in the manuals if you've fogotten how to do this) and then click on the button 'Achievements'. You'll find all your badges there.
Just take a look at JAVA's profile: She jut got a Safety & Net badge for being a real Coding Champion: she is good at making codes.
Rewarding badges is very easy. Just go to the persons profile and click on the button 'Achievements'. On the right side, you'll see a button that says'Give Badge', with a green icon next to it. Click on it.
A menu will appear, where you can see your badges: click on the little triangel pointing down.Choose the bagde you want to give.In the field next to it, you have to note down why you want to give the person a badge. Note down a sweet and clear explanation on what the person has made. Below that, you will find the button 'Message' (it's hidden on the photo), where you can leave a message for the person getting the badge. This is not necessary.
The 'point value' can be left as it is. This is for if you'd like to give them marks, but we don't really use this at sCool. The button 'invisible' should be left as it is. Otherwise the badge will become invisable.
Done filling everything out? Then press on the green button 'Give' to share the badge.
Do you want to take a look at our tutorial on how to earn badges? Check out this video:
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