Last Updated:
October 28, 2016
Karen Mouws
| Version: 3
| 1 follower
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Your profile picture is an icon, a symbol. Your profile picture will appear with every action you do. So don't use a profile picture where you're dressed as a pretty princes. Choose a picture where people can recognize you, so if you see them at a party or see that they wrote a blog, you can immediately recognize the person.
Why do you want a new profile picture?
Maybe you got a new hairdo or you just need some change... Then changing your profile picture is important. We'll show you in 4 easy steps on how to change your profile picture. Do you want to be sure your profile picture applies to the rules? Check out our lesson packet 'Super Profile'.
Step 2: Click on 'Profile'
Step 3: Click on your current profile picture (If you don't have one yet, click on the symbol)
Step 4: Drag your desired photo to the box and click on 'select a new profile image file from your computer' (If you choose the last option, select the picture in question from the folders on your computer)
If you have more questions about what's important when choosing a profile picture, take a look at our learning materials and the lesson packet 'Super Profile'. Make sure to also look at the tutorial video: 'profile: present yourself'.
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