Last Updated:
August 29, 2016
Shreya Mehta
| Version: 2
| 1 follower
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A profile is a way of presenting yourself online. This can be done on social media but also at sCool!
You might be wondering what a profile exactly is. It's a page at sCool, where all your information is collected and shown to others. If someone wants to know more about you and wants to look up what hobby's you have, he just visits your profile.
That's why it's important to fill it in correctly. The first reason being recognition: everyone wants to know who they're talking to. The second this for people who are looking for like-minded people. Are you a new student but do you like football? This way people can find you easily by just looking who all has 'football' on their profile. So what kind of information does my profile on sCool contain?
Let's take a look at our robot JAVA's sCool-profile:
On the top of the sCool-page, in the coloured box, you have to click on your name, Then a little menu will open up and then you click on 'Profile'. Then you will come to your profile page. This is the version of your profile that others can see.
Do you want to make changes? Click on the pencile on the right side, next to 'Edit Profile'.
There are 5 categorie where you can edit your profile. A preview on how to edit your profile. Down below we explain how to do it in detail.
Personal: You can edit your personal information over here, such as your birthday or the short text about yourself.
Work: In the 'Work' section, it isn't really work but more like the school you go to.
Photo: Click here to choose/edit your profile photo. Don't know how to do it? Check out the tutorial.
Privacy: This is the place where you can manage your privacy settings. Luckey sCool is normally very strict and well secured. So you don't have to change anything here if you don't want to. We generally make sure that your profile is secured and nobody can hack into your information.
Login Settings: This is where you can edit your e-mailadress en password to log into sCool. Don't forget to frequenly change your password.
Those were the 5 categories. Now we'll take a deeper look into what you can and can't fill in; because not all the fields are as important. Remember! Press the green 'Save' button after each edit.Otherwise the content just gets erased. Saving is important!
Step 1: Birthday and information about yourself
In the categorie 'Personal', you'll fill in your birthday, your gender and write a short text on who you are as a person.
You fill in your First Name and your Last Name. If you don't want to use your full name, you can just write the first letters. You're friends will recognize you by looking at your profile picture.
Next you fill in your birthday (or mark the date on the calender) in the box merkend 'Birthday'.You don't have to fill in your year of birth if you don't want to, just click on the current year. This way you age can remain a secret for the rest of the sCool-users.
In the box 'Gender', you fill in if you're a boy or a girl.
You place the text about yourself in the area marked 'About'. Write a short introduction on yourself. Imagine you're new at school and you have to introducé yoruself for the first time. What would you say so others would instantly know who you are?
Under the 'About' box, you can see a lot of other fields where you can link other social media profiles with your sCool profile. In the box 'My Blog', you can insect a link (URL) to your blog on sCool or another blog.
Press the green button 'SAVE' and then you can go to the next step.
Step 2: Hobby's and expertises
The next category is 'Work,' where you can tell us what you're good at (your talents) and what you like to do (your hobby's).
In the box marked 'Employer' you fill in the name of your school. They're your (unofficial) employers.
In 'Talents', you note down the things you're good at. JAVA has a couple of very good ICT skills and is very good at programming. You can write down your own talents, such as making prezi's or writing articles for the sCoolPaper.
TIP: use comma's ( , ) inbetween your different talents. This way people can find your profile when they search for a certain talent on our searchengine and our 'Who is Who' page.
In the box 'Interests' you write your interests, things that fascinate you, things you like to learn about. Again, don't forget the comma's inbetween your interests.
Next, it's time to tell us about your hobby's. What do you like to do in your free time? Here again, use comma's inbetween your hobby's, so that children can look for others with mutual hobby's using the 'Who is Who' page.
Don't forget to press on the green 'SAVE' button to save the content.
Step 3: Profile photo
You can upload your photo here. Make sure to choose a clear photo so that people can recognize you. If you don't know how to upload a profile picture, check out the tutorial 'profile picture'
Step 4: How to change your password
It's very important to frequently change your password so you're sure that no one can hack into your profile. Make sure this password is strong enough so no one can guess it. If you want more information on how to do this, check out the tutorial on 'Change password'.
Where can I find the profiles of my friends?
You can easily look up the profiles of your friends. You just look them up by clicking on the search engine and typing their name.
Click on the profile of your friends in the search results. You can also look for your friends on the 'Who is who' page. You can read the tutorial for more information.
If you see their photo when you're surfing and you want to look at their profile, click on their profile picture.
Is this tutorial not enough and do you want to know more about profiles? Read the lesson packer 'Super Profile' for more tips and tricks.
Good Luck with your super sCool profile!
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