Last Updated:
January 3, 2017
Shreya Mehta
| Version: 2
| 1 follower
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Every news company has their own Editorial Office: this is a team of people who get to decide if an article is good enough to be published. This way, newspapers, radio's and TV channels incorrect news. The sCoolPaper needs an Editorial Team as well: a group of students and a teacher, who read all the articles written by the students. The sCoolPaper Editorial team will decide which articles are good enough to be published in the sCoolPaper.
An editorial team is very important for newspapers, radio's and TV channels. Why? What if no one double-checked the articles and there are little mistakes to be found in them? These can be little spelling mistakes or there might be some little mistakes in the content. But if there are bigger mistakes, such as a wrong date, a wrong name, a wrong number,... it can change the (entire) content of the article. This is very dangerous because then you would be spreading incorrect information. This is why we need a team that checks every article in detail so we know that there are no more mistakes to be found before publishing.
Are you part of the Editorial Team? Great! You should know that your job is very important! When students write a new article or make a documentary, you have to make sure there are no mistakes in them. You will get a notification in your 'To Do's' on the top of the page when your expertise are needed. This is your own little to-do list.
Click on the notification and you will get an oversight on all the reports you still need to look over:
Once you're on the oversight, click on the title and you will get a preview of the article. Check this and remove all the mistakes. Add your name to the field 'Moderators' on the right by clicking on the little green plus-sign. By doing this, other members of the editorial team can see that you have checked the article before publishing and that they don't have to do it anymore.
Are you done correcting the report? You can add a note for the author with his mistakes and the things that need to be changed in the text. Next you click on 'Add Note' so that the note is sent to the author. Once the author has gone over his or her article again, it can be published. You can do this by simply clicking on the 'Publish' button. Readers are now able to read the article in the sCoolPaper.
Would you like to join the Editorial Team? That's possible! Just sent a private message to the teacher that runs the editorial team. You will find a box on the left-hand side of the sCoolPaper page where you'll see an icon with your teachers picture. Click on it and sent them a message saying you would like to join the editorial team.
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