Last Updated:
November 2, 2016
Karen Mouws
| Version: 7
| 1 follower
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It's that time of the year again: time to read books and make book reports. At sCool, this is easy and fun to do!
First of all you have to like the book to be able to read it. We have the BookWiki for that: it's a collection of all the books that your sCool-peers have read. You can even read book reports and see if they enjoyed reading the book.
You finished your book? Now it's time to make the book report and make it into a cool creative piece of work. The possibilities at sCool are infinite: you can make a movie, a photo report, a drawing or even a Prezi. You can share the results with the other children at sCool, so they can be inspired by your work.
There is a BookWiki at sCool: a place where you can find bookreports by your fellow sCool-peers to inspire your own work. This way you can see which books are worth the read. You can also rate the books by giving them stars, from one to five, but you can also like the book by pressing the button with the thumbs up. The likes are added up and an average of the stars are made. This way you get an idea of the ratings: is the book popular of not? A book with four or five stars - or if it has a lot of likes - is probably worth the read.
You can also follow a book by pressing the button "follow" on the right. This way you het a notification when something new is written about that book. Did a peer write a new book report on 'Mathilda' by Roald Dahl? You'll be the first one who gets notified.
By using our easy-to-use searchmachine, you can find any book in just one second. Instead of going through all the books in the library, you can just look up the book in the searchmachine. You can look up the title of the book, the name of the author or kenwords, such as 'horse' or 'football'. Then you get a list of books about the keyword. Now it's up to you to choose the best book from the list.
Are you a big fan of a certain writer and do you want to read all his/her books? No problem, you don't need to keep searching anymore. On the righthand side, next to the book report you can see a button 'related content'. You'l find links to other book reports on books by the same writer. Press on the title to start reading the boomreport immediately.
A book report takes a lot of time and effort, so as result you want a nice presentation that you can present in front of the class. You can also make a digital presentation like a Prezi, a collage or even a short film. It would be a pitty if your presentation was lost... all that time and hard work going to waste..., that's why you can now save you presentation online at sCool and it will automatically be placed in the BookWiki. This way other students can read your creative work over and over again and see if you liked the book or not.
No inspiration? Check out the book reports your peers made. They probably already made cool and creative works on other books. You can even send the child a messege to ask how they made it. Look out! You cannot just copy someone elses work.
uploading your book report isn't very difficult. You just go to 'My Classroom', you'll see a box with 'Our Wikis'. Next up you click on the image with 'Book Reports'
You'll find a list of book reports here made by your class. To add your book report to this list, you simply press 'Add Article'.
Add the text in your book report and insect digital media too such as photos, videos, Prezi's,... You can be as creative as you want.
Don't forget to scroll down and check out the box 'Related Content'. You'll find other books by the same author here. Just type the name of the autor of your book and his/her other books will appear. Click on all the books of the author in question. This way it's easier for others when they're looking for the specific author.
Are you done with your book report? Click on 'Send to Moderator' to send it to your teacher. They can check your work for mistakes and correct it.
After the correction, it can be posted in the BookWiki with the other books. Now other children can look at your work of art and get inspired to make theirs as good as yours! They can like, follow and rate it so you can see how popular your presentation is. The very best even get a special badge!
You can watch the video on how to use the BookWiki at sCool and upload your own report.
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