Last Updated:
January 23, 2017
Karen Mouws
| Version: 3
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Code Combat (CC for short) is an online game, sending you on an adventure as a hero and meanwhile it teaches you how to code. You can choose from several popular coding languages, such as JavaScript and Python. But of course, there are many more.
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You don't need any experience to play Code Combat, really. However, you do need to be able to read and write. Because Code Combat uses real programming languages, it's a bit harder to learn than for example Scratch.
The makers of CC suggest the game for 9+. If you are 9 or older, this is the perfect game for you to learn all about computer science!
Do you want to learn all about computer science? Or learn to code in real world coding languages? Do you dream of becoming a real game developer? Then this is the game for you.
You create a hero and embark on a great adventure, fighting monsters and solving puzzles. It's a blast to live in this fantasy world. You can defeat the bad guys by writing computer code. That way, you're learning a new skill at the same time.
This game is extra fun, because it teaches you real coding languages, such as JavaScript or Python. These languages are used every day by programmers all around the world in their jobs. If games with blocks such as Scratch have no more secrets for you, it is time to move on to something harder.
There are a lot of missions that you can play for free at home. There is also a paid plan, but this isn't necessary to enjoy learning.
Surf to to get started. You will need to create an account, so you can save your progress. Make sure you ask your parents for permission if you're under 13.
There are tracks to play Code Combat: the classroom edition and the normal one for at home. If you received a code from your teacher, press the 'I'm a student' button. Otherwise, click on 'play now'.
You will immediately go to the maps you can play and can get started. However -as you can see at the bottom of the page-, you are now an anonymous user. That way, your progress won't get saved in the cloud. If you want to be able to continue playing later, you will have to create an account.
Press the red 'Sign Up' button at the bottom to start creating your account.
Next, you will have to confirm if you are a teacher, a student or an individual. If you're playing this at home, on your own or with your parents, you should press 'Sign up as an individual'.
The game will ask for your birthday. This is so they know how old you are. If you're under 13 years old, you will have to fill in your parents' email address. The game will let them know you are playing and ask for permission. They can then create an account and share the login with you.
Your adventure will start in the Dungeons of Kithgard.
At the bottom of the screen, you find quite a bit of information. On the left, you can learn about your account. As you can see, this player is level 1 and has 0 gems. Those are the in game (fake) currency to buy new items. Be careful, you can also buy more of these with real money. Always ask your parents for permission first. You can also log out, when you're done playing. It is wise to always log out at the end of a session, so no one can play in your name.
On the right are the control menu buttons. First, there is a poll, that will ask you a new question every day, such as your age or what programming languages you are interested in. You are never obligated to answer these. Next to that is the clan menu button. You can create a private clan, just for you and your friends, or join an existing one. Remember not to join clans with strangers, as you don't know who they are or what their intentions are. In the treasure chest, you can find all your magical items. With the hero button, you can change your hero, its powers and appearance. You can choose to be a boy or a girl adventurer. The golden goblet will show you all your achievements. You get those for completing specific challenges in the game. Be careful when clicking on the chest with blue gems, because this is the place where you can by more with real money. You will find all the game options hidden behind the cogwheel.
It is now time to start your first adventure in the dungeons of Kithgard. Press the first mission banner to continue.
You will have to choose your hero (there are four free ones, all with different abilities) and what language you want to learn. The most popular ones are Python and JavaScript. Python is used to create games, computer programs and web applications. For example, the YouTube website and app use it. It is also used for programming on the Raspberry Pi mini computers. JavaScript is used all over the web, on every single website. You can use it to make cool buttons, menu and animations; but also to create fun online games. It is very important if you want to learn to build websites.
Now it is time to complete your first mission with code. Don't worry, the game will provide you with some hints on how to do that. You see your hero and the dungeon on the left. On the right, there is a box to fill in your code. Once you're done, press run.
Now all you have to do is have fun and go fight the monsters!
Code Combat on its' own is very safe. However, you can get in touch with others through Clans. You can start a private clan with your friends, but then you do have to make sure you don't invite anyone you don't know.
If you want to join an existing clan, you have to talk to your parents first. That is because there might be strangers in there: people you've never met and have no idea who they are.
Whatever you do, follow these simple rules online:
This is one of the best games online to work on computer science in school. You can let your pupils follow the free courses and have them learn real world coding languages such as Python or JavaScript. This way, they learn a new way to think, called Computational Thinking. That is a skill that is already very important to know in preparation of the future and will only increase in value.
You can also choose to sign up for the Code Combat educational program. This is not free, but has some advantages such extra missions, teachers resources and the ability to track your students' progress. Check for more information.
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